Can India become the Centre of the New World Order ?

The past couple of months saw two global events which squarely positioned India as a key global geo-political player.

First was the BRICS Summit in South Africa, where 6 new member countries were added to BRICS and their choices show a strong India imprint (despite of China)! Also, the successful Moon South Pole landing during the event (first ever in human history), was like India had choreographed the BRICS event with PM Modi like a global statesman dedicating this success as for the entire world (and not just for India)!

Second was the much bigger and grander G-20 Summit in India. Bamboozling the naysayers (external and internal pundits to politicians) to subversions (like a particular Head of State of a new superpower skipping the event), India under PM Modi proved everyone wrong with a successful G-20.

New Delhi, Sept 07 (ANI): A glimpse of Bharat Mandapam in Pragati Maidan ahead of the upcoming G20 Summit, in New Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI Photo)

Be it from India inviting some key friendly countries as observers (guests) to ensuring a G-20 permanent member seat for the African Union (AU) to signing of the strategic India-Middle East-Europe Transport Corridor (apt answer to China’s Belt & Road Initiative) to signing of the Bio-Fuel Alliance (strong enabler for Environment & Sustainable Energy Goals) to the adoption of the Digital Public Infra Initiative (based on the India Stack) to the final signing of the G-20 New Delhi Declaration (which many had written off as an impossibility), amongst many others – India led with thoughts, India led with execution, India led with consensus building, India led as the spokesperson of the Global South.

Global leaders and global media bore testimony of this stupendous success. One example, the current rotating head of the African Union (Head of Comoros) gleefully called out “India as the fifth superpower” and “ahead of China”.

Second example, The Telegraph UK headlined “Why India is poised to become the centre of the New World Order”.

Image Credit: The Telegraph, UK
Image Credit: The Telegraph, UK

Third example, all important countries called out the India-led event a success – from the US to Russia, from Europe to even China!

This author had already opined that in the foreseeable future (maybe within a decade), there will be 3 superpowers in the global stage viz, the US, China & India!

Its time the current 2 superpowers (and the rest of the world) recognize this sure fact and factor in a strong India relationship in their key global strategic calculus! The US is already showing some signs of accepting this reality and its high time China climbs down from its high horse, and start honestly collaborating with India as equal partners in all areas.

Therein will lie the future of a new world order!

A Blog Series on Geo-Economics & Geo-Politics

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are purely written in an individual capacity with data available in the public domain and based on the personal opinions of the author. Data sources and image credits have been cited duly as and where applicable.

About the Author :

Mr. Subham Sarkar
Chief Strategy Officer,
Netlabs Global IT Services,

Net Labs

Mr. Subham Sarkar is a business strategist, technology evangelist,  thought leader and active blogger. He is a Senior leadership  professional with around three decades of running career in the IT  industry. He is also on the Advisory Board of a few exciting early- and  late-stage start ups.

With a MBA and Engineering education background, Mr. Subham Sarkar have  a passion for keeping himself abreast of the macro economics and  dynamics of the global economy, how geo-politics and the ever evolving  technology landscape are opening up newer possibilities and challenges  for the present and the future.

Mr. Subham Sarkar core goals in life are to be known and respected as A)  a professional continuously striving for excellence while evolving with  changing times and B) a good human being in his sphere of influence,  contributing meaningfully to his profession, to the society he live in and most importantly his family.

Mr. Subham Sarkar interests are in Business Strategy, New & Emerging Technologies, Geo-Politics & Geo-Economics, Alliances & Partnerships, Articles & Blog Writing, Mentoring & NGOs, Personal Finance & Investments, Nature & Travel, Kishore Kumar Songs, Thriller & Mystery Movies, Cricket & Football, amongst others.

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Mobile : +91-81476 52280


Also read Mr. Subham Sarkar‘s earlier articles:

Subham Sarkar Subham Sarkar Net Labs