More than ever, Leadership has assumed primary significance in managing teams for Success. Dynamicity of Business environment calls for quick changes in People, adapting on the go to the demands of Business.

industry4o.comGood Leadership is to catalyze change for the better. Many a times, in an established Organisation, due to various obvious reasons, resistance to change is inevitable. Therefore maintaining Status quo is a formidable opponent for Change, steeped in organisational rigidity and people apprehension – what is in it for me?

Leaders are aware that resistance to change is obvious and more than an aberration. Having recognised such resistance, it’s left to the Leaders to ensure Change is implemented against all odds. Therefore effective leaders sometimes steamroll ahead solo and enlist others to become agents of change alongside.

Change is always for betterment and quantum of change will depend on the type of change envisaged. Changes in Products and Services are mostly on enhanced value proposition, and is quite normal.

Transformative change in an Organisation is a gradual process that gains traction through incremental gains and encompassing critical mass that makes larger strides possible. Change Management is in itself Strategic. Shift always is gradual. Based on the desired impact of Change, measured through its outcome and benefits to business adoption across the organisation is carried out in a phased manner. Validation of change becomes a critical process, in managing Change.

Hence, Change consists of many smaller pieces, each contributing to a larger picture of progress.

Change does not require a winner-takes-all strategy. It thrives on a win-win approach.

Leadership is also about adaptability with vision and resolve. True leaders set audacious goals and realize maintaining status quo is highly detrimental.

Leaders persevere, especially when the journey is with challenges, encouraging their teams to push boundaries and rethink paradigms.

Change is not about the destination; it’s about how we achieve it together.

Ultimately, leaders aim not for perfection but for perpetual progress.

About the Author :


Chief Executive Officer – Voith Group
(Flow Link Systems (P) Ltd)

DSIF Division – Innovation and Technologies
Chairman – Shri Avinashiappar Trust
Vice President – Coimbatore Management Association
Past National Secretary – The Institute of Indian Foundrymen.

Dr. Nithin has about 35 + Years of Experience in Engineering Manufacturing organizations. He has worked for LMW Group, L&T, Hitachi & CRI Group. He is considered to be a Professional with a rare blend of Intrapreneurial Orientation, having been a Business Head across Engineering Manufacturing Organisations / Industries.

Dr. Nithin is a Member in Governing Council / Board Of Studies of Universities and Management Institutions as a Management Expert.

Dr. Nithin is part of various industrial associations and professional bodies; he is credited with playing a leading role in bringing land mark changes in Export Incentives, Classification of MSMEs, CPCB Norms, Waste & Disposal Management. He also plays a pivotal role in training and development of educated Youth seeking employment opportunities.

Dr. Nithin Leads a team that turned around a division and a Company, and in establishing large scale projects as bench marks in industry (This Business has won several awards at National & Regional Level which includes – Indian Foundry of the Year, Young Foundryman and Foundryman Awards, 4Star Award from CII, Green Award & Safety Award from Tamil Nadu Government & at National Level from IIF, First Indian Foundry in the segment to get OHSAS 18001 & ISO 50001 Certification and Many Kaizen awards.)

Dr. Nithin is a Managing Trustee of a Family Managed Trust involved in activities like rendering Food, Shelter, Education and Medicare. Noted for rendering services during Chennai, Kerala, Tanjore & Nilgiris Floods.

Dr. Nithin’s Academics:

  • Ph.D in Management Sciences
  • MBA in Finance & Marketing – Gold Medalist and University Topper
  • BE Mechanical Engineer with Distinction
  • An IRCA certified lead auditor and assessor for ISO 9001.
  • A qualified auditor for EMS, OHSAS & EnMS
  • L&T Future Leaders Training at IIM – C

Dr. Nithin’s Professional Associations:

  • Member & Industry Nominee, Coimbatore Disaster Management Council
  • A Guest Faculty to Premier Management Institutes & Was  Visiting Faculty to IIM – Calicut
  • An examiner for Management Qualifications & Assessor for Management Teachers
  • An acknowledged management trainer and consultant
  • Is a regular Business Column Writer.

Dr. Nithin is a Member of:

  • Foundry Development Council, Ministry of Commerce & Industries, India.
  • Institution of Engineers, All India and Coimbatore Management Association
  • Board of Studies in Universities & Premier Management Institutes

Dr. Nithin is Winner of:

  • The Outstanding Alumni & Distinguished Alumni Awards from PSG Institutions & Bharathiar University.
  • The CMA Golden Jubilee Year Best Manager award for the region.
  • The Best Management Student award and many accolades at National Level.
  • The Mother Teresa Award of Excellence for Young Business Managers.

Dr. Nithin’s Management Interests:

  • Management of Innovation, Corporate Strategic Planning and Manufacturing Management, Green Supply Chain

Dr. Nithin can be contacted at :

Mobile : +9194879 46900

E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-nithyanandan-devaraaj-95612338/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/dr_n_devaraaj

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/drnithyanandan.devaraaj.7

Also read Dr. NITHYANANDAN DEVARAAJ’s earlier articles: