Human Machine Synergy
Theorizing Debiasing attempt to ensure better Human Machine Synergy Of late Artificial Intelligence has become the fulcrum of numerous transformative changes, because of this extensive usability, it is now inextricably connected with our typical daily life. Starting from healthcare to weather prediction and portfolio optimization, it is present everywhere. On the contrary the perception about its offerings is not so...
6 Ways IoT Is Transforming The Field Service Industry
The writing is on the wall… IoT has arrived, changing the way field service companies do business. With the recent explosion in IoT devices, it's now easier to turn a service into a data center — and some are already doing just that. This is excellent news for consumers because it means more convenience and competition with providers and other firms within...
Accelerating Sustainability transition with power of Blockchain
Sustainability is considered as a significant market opportunity by business leaders. Sustainability is becoming a design principle and operational goal for industrial and consumer products and processes. Some companies grasp it as a competitive strategy as well. - Sustainability market is expected to be $28.9B globally by 2024, growing at 27% CAGR - 92% of CEOs believe integration of sustainability will...
Supply Chain Optimization is the Corner Stone of Sustainability Improvement
In 2020, CDP found that GHG emissions in a company’s supply chain are, on average, 11.4 times higher than its operational emissions.1 In 2020, 239 companies signed the Science Based Target Initiative and 94 per cent of them committed to reduce emissions at customers and suppliers. Scope 3 4(indirect value chain emissions) accounts for 80 per cent of the overall climate...
Vehicle Electrification Market Size To Hit USD 150.72 Bn By 2027
Vehicle Electrification Market Size To Hit USD 150.72 Bn By 2027 - A Research Report by Precedence Research. Summary : The vehicle electrification market size is estimated to hit around USD 150.72 billion by 2027 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.9% from 2022 to 2027. Challenges and developments in Vehicle Electrification Market Vehicle electrification is the primary engine...
A “China Plus One” Strategy
Rebooted Global Supply Chain - A "China Plus One" Strategy A Blog Series on Geo-Politics & Geo-Economics The line between disorder and order lies in logistics… - Sun Tzu Over the past few decades China’s spectacular rise in the world stage in all spheres of life - be it geopolitics, economy, military, culture, sports, science, space, etc. has changed the global world...
Training autonomous vehicles with XR simulation
Training autonomous vehicles with XR simulation Self driving cars are a good example of what artificial intelligence can accomplish today. Such tech-centered advances are built on the back of highly trained Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. These algorithms require exhaustive data that help the AI effectively model all possible scenarios. Accessing and pooling all that data needs complex and very expensive real-world...
5 Biggest Mistakes when it comes to KPIs
Selecting the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is hard! Peter Drucker is famously attributed for saying “If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” But are you measuring (and managing) the right things? 5 Biggest Mistakes when it comes to KPIs 1) Measuring what is easy to measure - Often times companies select KPIs based on the available data at their disposal....
What The Finance : A Synopsis
WHAT DOES THE BOOK “WHAT THE FINANCE” OFFER? Some of the common concerns raised by many entrepreneurs include:- “How will I pay the next month’s salaries?” “How can I get funding?” “How are some entrepreneurs so successful in financial terms?” “What are the meanings of the financial terms my investors keep referring to?” “What is ‘financial management’ all about?” “How...
Great Resignation (OR) Great Recession (OR) Great Attraction?
Why there is a skill gap? Several reasons contribute to the skill gap in the manufacturing industry. TRIM is perhaps what can explain the most compelling reason for the shortage of skilled personnel. TRIM is an acronym for T = Technological Advancement R = Retiring baby boomers I = Ineffective training methods M = Misconceptions about the job 1. Technological Advancement The last few years have seen unprecedented...