A blog Series on Innovation VS Invention by Mr. Jeff Winter

Series #1

When people think of the word “innovation” they often confuse it with the word “invention”.

Although they are similar, their subtle difference is quite important.

industry4o.comDefinition of Invention :

The act of creating, designing, or building something has never existed before, often through research and experimentation. Inventions can be patented to protect the intellectual property of the inventor.

Definition of Innovation :

The practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new products or services or improvements in the way products or services are offered that add value to the innovator or their customer.

Companies don’t need to invent to be innovative.

For Innovation to be a successful function within an organization, the company must be able to:

1) Produce new ideas on a regular basis
2) Quickly evaluate the good ideas from the bad ideas
3) Develop, implement, and commercialize the good ideas
4) Integrate the good ideas into the overall business strategy quickly and seamlessly

A good framework to get you thinking about innovation as more than just a “new product” is Doblin’s Ten Types Framework. This framework has 10 areas of innovation that are structured into 3 categories (Configuration, Offering, and Experience).   Most big breakthroughs end up being a combination of several of the types of innovation all coming together.

Which innovation category have you had the most success with?

Source and more information: https://lnkd.in/e7yc_Zh2

About the Author :

Jeff Winter

Mr. Jeff Winter
Industry Executive, Manufacturing


Jeff Winter is an Industry 4.0 & Digital Transformation Enthusiast | Business Strategist | Avid Storyteller | Tech Geek | Public Speaker

Jeff Winter is an Industry Executive for Manufacturing with Microsoft where he acts as an industry advisor helping manufacturers across the US digitally transform at scale. With over 15 years of experience working for different industrial automation product and solution providers, Jeff has a unique ability to simplify and communicate complex concepts to a wide range of audiences, educating and inspiring people from the shop floor up to the executive board room.  As part of his experience, Jeff is also very active in the community of Industry 4.0. 

Jeff is a part of the International Board of Directors for MESA (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association), he is in the leadership committee for the Smart Manufacturing & IIoT Division of ISA (International Society of Automation), he is a U.S. registered expert for IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) as a member of TC 65, and also part of Purdue University’s Smart Manufacturing Advisory Board.

Mr. Jeff is Accorded with following Honors & Awards :


Mr. Jeff Winter is Bestowed with the following Licenses & Certifications :


Mr. Jeff is Volunteering in the following International Industry Associations & Institutions :


He can be contacted at :

Email : [email protected]

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreyrwinter/

Also read his earlier Articles :

jeff winterjeff winterJeff WinterJeff Winter