This is not an academic study or a research report. These are the simple and frank views of an entrepreneur based on the thoughts shared with the concerned people. The purpose of this book is to indicate possible solutions to generate millions of jobs to eradicate poverty. Solutions mentioned in the book are totally different, unconventional and yet implementable. The book deals about the mechanism of employment generation and its concepts and prospects. However, the related subjects of farming and providing houses at affordable cost also mentioned, since they are basic ingredients of common man.
In our country, the problem of masses is not the non-availability of food – but non-availability of money to buy the food and non-availability of the jobs to earn the money.
This book, “Millions of Jobs – Possible or not?” tries to find a ways and means for massive employment generations to provide jobs to two billion hands.
It is very unfortunate even after 75 years of self ruling, we are not able to come out of the clutches of unemployment and under-employment.
Our country is successfully producing enough food grains to meet the requirement of our population. But where is the money to buy food? Where is the job to earn that money? Where is the shelter for the people sleeping on pavements?
Further the construction and service sector are the other areas which are likely to flourish based on the growth of agriculture and industrial sectors.
It is quite evident that the field of agriculture may not able to contribute to create huge number of additional jobs.
The viability, profitability and sustainability in agricultural operations vary very much from region to region and depends on various parameters like level of fertility of the land, water resources, manpower requirement, facilities for transport and storage, marketing facilities etc., are discussed in detail.
Another important point mentioned is 50 lakhs areas of Boodhan lands which are almost lying idle and unutilized. Some light is thrown on problems related to land records and yield evaluation process. The technology developed by institutions shall be made available to farmers.
Housing for All
Currently a substantial chunk of poor people are living in slums and huts in unbearable conditions. This situation is common in all the developing countries.
We need millions of houses at affordable cost. In this the land cost plays a very destructive role in building houses to the poor. Within last three decades, the land prices increased to abnormal and unimaginable level which makes impossible for middle and lower class people to construct their own houses. This problem is discussed in detail.
Mechanism of job creation
The industrial sector which plays a very major role in our economic structure, is unable to grow on par with the industries of developed countries. We have also failed to generate required number of jobs for our people. The present situation is not conducive for providing employment even to the existing urban population.
Many products ranging from consumer items to capital equipments like textiles, garments, kitchen utensils etc., can be easily manufactured, thus opening opportunities for creation of millions of jobs.
A yardstick or thumb rule or a quotient must be devised to find the ratio of employment opportunities that will materialize for the given investment.
Concept of employment generation
It is very obvious the jobs are not generated just to provide employment by any employer. It is also quite natural due to the obvious reasons the entrepreneur is interested in reducing his labour force. How to overcome many odd forces working against the employment generation? This book tries to find solution to win over the situation.
Prospects of employment generation
Apart from resistance from entrepreneur to generate more jobs, there are many other rules and regulations on laws enforced by Government and its agencies which knowingly or unknowingly restrict the further growth in employment generation. In fact, it is stated in this book that instead of having restricted rules and laws, we must have pro-active attitude to encourage employment generation by offering awards and incentives to achieve our goal.
Skills & Capabilities
Even though education is not the core issue of this book, it is important to understand that it has a lot of influence on character development in the part of a man’s life. Our education system must inculcate the basics of humanism. It is absolutely necessary to have a total reappraisal of basic education system and its contents including steps for imparting and improving skills in younger generation.
Employees Welfare
This chapter deals with the improvement needed in the present laws and rules to safeguard workers interest in the organized sector. However, there are more number of workers in unorganized sector and there is no provision anywhere to safeguard their future. This must be addressed.
Difference between manufacturing and trading
We find tremendous growth in trading activity in the last two or three decades in every nook and corners in almost all the villages. We find so many shops dealing with food grains, provisions, vegetables, bakeries etc.,
The sector of small business of trading and services has taken phenomenal strides without any encouragement or assistance from Government. On the other hand, the other sector namely manufacturing sector has not made equal progress in spite of help and assistance extended by Government.
It is the right time for the Government to take important policy decisions to differentiate between trading and manufacturing and to make the necessary changes in the laws and rules suitable for manufacturing and trading.
Financial Institutions and industry
According to Government of India, Medium, Small and Tiny industries account for 40% of industrial production, 50% of exports and more than 60% of job opportunities of the country. However, the financial assistance extended to MSME sector is meagre and definitely not in proportion to the share of its economic contribution.
Similarly as far as the NPAs are concerned the small industries sector performance is far better than their Big Brother of large corporates.
Sources for investment
According to author, we shall not encourage foreign investment in manufacturing as we do now. Because of cheap labour and huge Indian market potential many MNCs are focused to establish their ventures in India. They grab lot of concessions and incentives from the Government than their Indian industries. Further most of them buy components made by Indian small and medium industries, assembled them in their factories and market India and abroad. The benefit of value addition goes only to MNCs.
The Indian industrial sector is having capability to manufacture most of the precision and sophisticated equipments made by the MNCs. So it is very much emphasized that sudesi industries must be encouraged and avoid our dependents on foreign technology and know-how.
As far as investment is concerned by the Indian industry, if we are able to bring the black money to the surface and encourage to invest in manufacturing, we can reap substantial benefits.
Entrepreneur and Society
In Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, most of the entrepreneurs belong to the micro segment. In author’s view, the tiny sector is the most important module of our economic structure contributing significantly to generating employment, next only to agriculture.
The author strongly suggests, that Government comes out with a well-defined scheme or plan with inbuilt provisions to assist those small sectors of people, who have potential to light this spark of achieving the goal of “Generation of millions of Jobs”.
We have to analyze and find out whether India has the potential to become an economic super power to provide good standard of living to our people like developed countries. We have to make a deep SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) to arrive at apt conclusions.
The Entrepreneur – Today
Today’s entrepreneur faces many genuine problems in establishing and running the industry. Government should take appropriate steps to address them.
Role of Governments
Many points and suggestions are mentioned in this chapter about the role of Governments in massive employment generation.
Road Map
The purpose of this book is not to find fault with anybody over the matters of the past.
The steps taken so far to improve the standard of living of our people not delivered the desired results. The main reason for the prevalent widespread hunger and poverty is not the non-availability of food – but it is the non-availability of employment opportunities.
As far as the problem of housing is concerned, we are in a very deplorable situation. Millions of our population are living in slums, huts and cheries without basic civic needs and amenities.
Another important factor that spoils the growth of the nation is the widespread circulation of black money. It is well known fact that in the transfer of properties and registrations, the black money plays a major role.
I firmly believe that prosperity for everyone can be achieved only through massive employment for the people of India. Providing a job is the first and foremost step towards eradication of poverty. As mentioned the problem of masses is not in the non-availability of food, but in the non-availability of jobs.
Padmashree Sri. Sridhar Vembu, Chairman, Zoho Corporation
This book examines the challenges of jobs in a comprehensive manner. The chapter “Mechanism of Job creation” is a must read for any one who wants to understand how to create jobs in poor rural region.
Dr. Palanivel Thiagarajan, Hon’ble Finance Minister of Tamil Nadu
The premise of your book is of great significance today. Creating jobs and providing employment are vital if we are to recover from these difficult times.
Dr. C. Rangarajan, Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The road to prosperity, according to the author, lies in creating jobs in several millions.
Dr. S. Narayanan, I.A.S., Former Secretary, Finance, Government of India
I have gone through your book. It reveals the depth of your knowledge and the wisdom gleaned from your own experience. I am sure that it will prove to be of great help in formulating policies for employment.
Sri V.S. Narasimhan, Federation of Association of Small Industries of India
I wish and hope the book is read by the political powers and help bring about a change, which will undoubtedly help build a nation which will make us proud.
Prof. E. Balagurusamy, Former Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai
The book “Millions of Jobs – Possible or Not? Provides an excellent insight into the past and a realistic foresight into the future of India. It suggests a numerous ways and means for crfeating job opportunities which could benefit millions of our youth. The book is a must – read for everyone who is concerned about making India a “Developed Nation”.
Sri S. Gopalan, I.A.S., Former Secretary General of Lok Sabha, Former Advisor of UNDP
Sri A.V. Varadharajan, author of this book seeks to establish that it is possible to achieve prosperity in India through targeted employment generations. The author wants Central and State Governments to work in tandem and records in details about our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in terms of SWOT analysis.
Sri K. Venugopal, Director, Kasthuri & Sons (The Hindu)
One must be grateful to Mr. A.V. Varadharajan, the octogenarian entrepreneur, for not just sustaining his passion but also putting the wealth of experience garnered into practical suggestions for improvement and change in the country and its economy. There are indeed hundreds of ideas and suggestions packed into the book.
Sri C.V. Shankar, I.A.S., Former Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu
The thrust of the book is on creating jobs and Mr. Varadharajan has suggested not only very many practical steps to make the lives of every citizen of India productive and fruitful but also out of the box ideas like using black money to create enterprises. Is a valuable read for anyone intending to come out of the helplessness and frustration of finding solutions in this eternally evolving but slow moving country.
Sri Rishikesha T. Krishnan, Director, IIM, Bangalore
At this juncture, I am delighted to read this book by an experienced and successful industrialist from Coimbatore, Shri A.V. Varadharajan. While the author covers considerable ground in identifying different factors that influence economic growth and development, the key point he makes is that our policies need to be employment-centric. If we are to be able to tap into the vast human potential of our country, Entrepreneurs and Industrialist are more likely to do the right thing if they are not always targets of suspicion and processes are simplified to make compliance easier.
This book is distinctive in many ways. It is written from the heart, based on personal experience and wisdom.

About the Author:
Dr. A.V. Varadharajan
Chairman, AV Group of Companies
Dr. A.V. Varadharajan, the humble son of a farmer, had to discontinue his education after his Intermediate course for want of funds and served as a clerk in PSG College of Technology canteen. After a year, due to the gesture and initiative of Dr.G.R.Damodharan, then the Principal of PSG College of Technology, he got a rare opportunity to study Engineering amidst his part time job.
On completing his B.E., he was employed as an Engineer in PSG for 3 years. In 1962, with a few thousand rupees, he ventured into a tiny foundry with 7 workers on rolls. Over the years, with the assistance of his second-generation wards, it has blossomed into an industrial conglomerate of AV Group of companies, providing employment to about 3000 people.
For the past 60 years, his contribution to the development of industries in Tamil Nadu, under the banner of CODISSIA is noteworthy and significant. He was a pioneer in organizing Industrial Trade Fairs in South. He led a team to establish CODISSIA Trade Fair Grounds in the country, next only to Pragathi Maidan of New Delhi. He spear headed a team of entrepreneurs to establish two Industrial parks to house 300 industries, which will generate 30000 to 50000 jobs.
Apart from Coimbatore District Small Industries Association (CODISSIA), he was also the President of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Small Industries Association, Small Industries Testing and Research Centre (SITARC) and Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers Association. He was a member, National Council of CII. AVV also served as a Director/ Member in various Boards and Committees constituted by Government and Financial institutions.
He firmly believes that wide spread industrial development (particularly tiny and small) and massive employment generation through appropriate technology alone will lead to the development of our country.
Dr. A.V. Varadharajan can be contacted at:
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Dr. A.V. Varadharajan is Accorded with following Honors & Awards :
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About A.V. Group of Companies
AV Group an engineering conglomerate was established during 1962 at coimbatore by a Visionary Dr. A.V.Varadharajan.
AV Group has interests in the area of manufacturing of mineral processing equipments, precision machining, foundry, agro equipments & earth moving machinery.
Companies of A.V. Group :
Sandfits Foundries Private Limited
Sandfits, leading Manufacturer of all grades of Grey and SG iron castings, conforming to standards, quality and grade to meet the markets globally. Our castings weight ranges from 3 kg up to 4000 kg.. Started in 1962 at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, Sandfits caters to diverse customer requirements including wind mill equipment, Automobile, construction equipment needs, and so on.
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Propel Industries
Propel Industries Private Limited is the state of the art engineering entity engaged in manufacturing and supplying Crushing and Screening equipment for infrastructure projects. Started in the year 2009 to cater to the Crushing and Screening equipment for Aggregates Industry and in this short span Propel has rapidly risen to become one of the industry leaders with over 1500 clients across India and abroad.
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Bull Machines Pvt Ltd
BULL Machines has already made an impact in the world market by producing world class dedicated Construction Equipment vehicles, while it continues to remain as India’s no 1 Tractor Attachment manufacturer for more than 16 years.
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Bull Agro Implements
Bull Agro is a leading manufacturer of efficient tiller blades, and agricultural implements like rotary tillers & reversible plough. It is the first company in India to have started manufacturing of rotary tiller blades and one of the largest manufacturers of tillage tools in the world.
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Oriental Plants & Equipments Private Limited is part of the six decades old AV Group. OPEL commenced its operation during 1976. OPEL has emerged as a reliable partner for precision engineering requirements for its customers across globe, based on its extensive machining facility, advanced testing equipments, product design and development expertise.
Located ideally in the industrious town Coimbatore, the company has large pool of highly skilled manpower and has been developing customized solutions for challenging needs of customers in diverse sectors such as, mineral processing, petrochemical, automobile, textiles machinery, earth moving machinery, construction, wind energy, railway and special valves. OPEL also manufactures conveyor components, vibro motors & geared motors for mineral processing industries.
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Compiled by Mr. D.K. Karthikeyan – Editorial Director,
He can be contacted @ [email protected] / [email protected]
Mobile : +91 98430 24566 / +91 97860 12122