How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform the Energy Sector
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Transform the Energy Sector AI and energy have always been interconnected to each other. In fact, many experts believe that AI will end up revolutionizing the energy sector in the near future. It is expected to do so by expediting the adoption of renewables in a bid to overcome energy’s uncertain and variable nature. One...
5 Proven Levers for Architecting a Successful Oracle SCM Cloud Implementation
Introduction The world is moving to the Cloud – whether it is a small app or a large enterprise application like Oracle ERP, there has been an acceleration towards making them “Mobile First” and in the “Cloud”. Customers/ End Users love the convenience and experience of doing things while on the move- making the organizations more productive and efficient. Oracle...
How Augmented Reality Can Help Field Services
Field service is one area of businesses where new-age technologies like the Internet of Things, cloud computing, augmented / virtual reality, etc. are being leveraged to create an exceptional customer experience. A key takeaway from the latest Liberstream survey reveals that of the 52% of the respondents willing to invest in AR in the coming years, around 82% are...
SAP Data Intelligence – The Comprehensive Guide : A Synopsis
SAP Data Intelligence - The Comprehensive Guide: Welcome to the first comprehensive guide on SAP Data Intelligence. SAP constantly is on an innovation journey to provide the best of services to the organizations and aligned with that vision was SAP Data Hub which was released in 2017 with the primary objective of data orchestration and management based on Kubernetes deployment....
Best Way to Promote Digital Innovation
Ask Your Employees to Disrupt the Company What is the best way to promote digital innovation in industrial companies? What can entrepreneurs, shareholders, and executives do to drive digital innovation in traditional industry? I have been hearing this question a lot recently; often enough, in fact, to write an article about the topic and make my thoughts on it available more...
Goal-Setting to Digital Transformation
According to Penn State World Campus, Goal-Setting Theory has been the most researched, utilized, and established theory of work motivation in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. In the late 1960s, Dr. Edwin Locke and Dr. Gary Latham researched the theory of goal setting and motivation which gave us our modern understanding of goal setting in the...
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Industry 4.0 - An Intro to the Fourth Industrial Revolution Industry 4.0 as a manufacturing movement is reshaping the business of building products. Fueled by unparalleled machine intelligence and connectivity, industry 4.0 introduces Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT on the Assembly floor. Our modern manufacturing efforts are driving advancements in industry 4.0, bringing greater efficiency, quality and sustainability to the manufacturing...
What does digital transformation means for India?
“ India’s data price, accessible smart phones, and low-cost, high-speed internet have propelled India’s digital transformation” – Mike Muralidharan In the ’90s, the liberalization was a proactive step that helped India accelerate its economy and the Information Technology boom. Now the pandemic has a providential opportunity that we must not miss out, and accelerate the pace of transformation through an...
PPT (People, Process and Technology)
PPT (People, Process and Technology) is a framework that was developed in the 1960s to help improve operational efficiency of employees and tools. Recently this framework has gained in popularity with companies working through Digital Transformation, and it is easy to see why! Companies (and business leaders) have learned that Digital Transformation is more complex, more difficult, and requires a lot...
OpEx licensing solutions
How can OpEx licensing solutions benefit your organization? Traditionally, IT solutions have been purchased as capital expenses because they have been purchased as licenses. The solutions are considered investments because the buyer ‘owns’ them once they purchase, and they offer value to the organization well after the initial year of purchase. This might seem like a good thing, gaining an...