Disruptive Technology : A True Dimension of Change in the offing

“Brands fading into oblivion” has become a watch word. For some big Fortune 500 companies going bankrupt for the simple reason that they could not cope up with the frenetic pace of change for the better. Wrong business models being persisted with and being the cardinal reason for their abysmally low sales and thus hitting the nadir of failure and in some critical instances due to the tectonic shift in ideology thus even getting wiped out from the market.

Thus this theory applies to all who really do not change with times get relegated to the background and get obliterated from the general scene if they do not iron out their lacunaes and surge ahead and also at the same time keep abreast with the sweeping changes happening in this terrible rat race to reach the pinnacle of glory..

Disruptive technologies in various sectors is really making mind boggling advances and make people really take notice of with absolute attention to detail and it actually seems like things are happening at the drop of the hat.
Such is the wave of change we are witnessing in this current global scenario.

Truly with the advent of aspects like Augmented reality , Artificial Intelligence , Virtual reality , Autonomous and Electric cars , Different modern dimensions of educational tools etc have eased the format of how people eagerly look at change..

How software industry disrupting is seriously partaking and a lion’s share of the industries in the last 5 to 10 years . Now to cite an example : Uber from USA and Ola from India , two big entities from the taxi commuting segment has undergone a metamorphosis for the better and changed the entire gamut of travel in cities in particular in India. This is a sterling example of how a disruptive technology can have an upper hand over a traditional methodology and become a resounding and roaring success amongst mundane public. Similarly AIRBNB from US and OYO from India to name in the hospitality industry. This again has eased the trouble of dwelling for all travelers in particular in all spheres .Now their game plan in both the above cases is that they just do not own anything but they enjoy a mammoth success ratio which is far ahead of many in the fray in their respective areas of interest.

Also another interesting aspect to take note of is with the advent of software from a pioneer in the computer field like IBM. Now through their IBM Watson getting legal opinion and Medical opinion has become something very accessible and easy displacing a lot of human opinion which was earlier presumed to be more worthwhile with a much more precise and accurate piece of information. Once again a clear victory of Disruptive technology over traditional.

Different rapid modes of Transportation, Automobile, Health Care, Renewable Energy and Insurance industry is going through a total transformation phase around and is bound to really see the green in India in particular . Even the Real estate industry bound to see a fresh facet as working while you commute will enable people to live further away ..The”Tricorder” device in engineering and healthcare is going to be a revolutionary aspect and a true game changer too in the modern engineering and medical history. Thus in various places the approach of manpower pertaining to the profession of engineering and medicine is going to be taken serious note of.

Cities are bound to be far less nosier and polluted as electric cars are going to invade the roads in a colossal way and is bound to displace the conventional vehicles running on petrol and diesel. Also with the advent of various alternatives for producing electricity like solar energy etc providing pure drinking water would also become far cheaper through Desalination process too to name a few.

Thus the propensity towards latest technology finds its way into our everyday chores and leaves an indelible mark in almost every sphere we would operate in.

The smart phone and television industry have undergone a metamorphosis in India in a very short span of time taking many across the globe by surprise with the advent of razor edge technology. The rapid and gigantic strides made to be on the progressive path is very visible of late . In fact, thus making aspects of compiling of any information for that matter just a click away.

So across all sectors the constant overhauling of technology at a frenetic pace not noticed ever before has clearly seen a meteoric rise to showcase their performance which stamped alongside the willingness amongst the multitude also draws the praise and undeterred attention of the tech savvy intellects too . thereby assuring us a better tomorrow in the bargain.

About the Author

Mr. Abraham Paul Vatakencherry 

A seasoned thoroughbred professional in top management for strategic alliances with a demonstrated history of working in a wide range of domain. He carries with him more than two and half decades of hands on experience and has donned many hats like assisting certain chambers of commerce and industry in India in top management positions and also finds mention in various advisory boards of organisations / institutions in both national as well as international ones, possessing a strong inherent passion for corporate interaction with the student community in general, but not confined to it alone but open to a bandwidth from school to professionals augmenting their professional growth. Now to add an another feather to his cap which is already rich in experience he has found his way through one inspiring article each in the Inaugural Special Monaco Edition of  ” The Billionaire Chronicle ” and in Inaugural Special Dubai Edition of the “The Billionaire Chronicle ” by which his profile hitting the epitome of the popularity charts amongst the niche community of its readers. SHARE Facebook

Also read my earlier article