Brand building in the new era


Well-known brands bring the maximum amount of returns to companies that own them. Hence, brands need proper care and attention. Companies that know how to manage their brands will always perform better than those who do not A brand is not just the name of a product; it is much more than that. The brand reflects the company culture, the...

Time to go Lean: Lean Factory Setup


Lean Manufacturing is a definite technique to improve business primarily focusing on the actual needs of the customer by preventing waste from being built into the system. Although this method is not new, lean manufacturers have kept themselves a lot higher in the league of rushing merchandise to promote, reducing prices and keeping customers happy. Let’s look at a...

Globalization facilitates a competitive environment


An extract from a speech by Ms. Vanitha Mohan, Vice Chairman, Pricol Limited at GMCV 2020. The Indian industry as all of you know is undergoing a major change in several aspects. Thanks to the opening of our doors to the global markets. The cluster concept is a major reason for the industry witnessing a manufacturing boom. Facilities that are...

Indian semi-conductor industry eco-system


India is aligning itself with the global semiconductor market by creating high-value work in VLSI and Board Design and Embedded software. It is companies with the domain expertise driving the business in terms of volumes. Is India called a VLSI design superstore? Approximately 125 companies are doing semiconductor design. Multinational corporations and domestic companies are going from design services...

How a simple mail can increase your profit


Wondering if email marketing can work for you as a manufacturer? Your distributors have email addresses, don’t they? Here are some facts that would open eyes to why email marketing still works. (Source: Direct Marketing Association) There are more than 3.2 billion email accounts today. 77% of people prefer email for marketing communications. Email marketing has an ROI of...