It’s a Golden Jubilee year for CODISSIA as they have grown into a power house of truly representing the manufacturing sector. We are duty bound to applaud the work they have done for manufacturing, MSME and even the small industries. Many MSME business owners confess to in private, that they wouldn’t have survived the onslaught or the brutal competition, if it hadn’t been for CODISSIA. As an association they have stayed true to the calling of protecting the interest of the small manufacturers. Somewhere at heart, the experts who ran the association over the years loved and celebrated the machines which helped them progress.
CODISSIA had very modest beginning in the year 1969, with only 40 members in the association. You talk to the past presidents, they will tell you that it was the first community of members who made a massive difference to what CODISSIA is today. Members felt, that other members were part of an extended family. CODISSIA today is a fine example of what an association in any other sector should set out to do. Yes they were lucky to have visionaries, who came in and set their high standards. The benchmark only moved up every year. When it’s competitive you have to leave a mark, the president needs to have his plans in place months before he takes office. Now that’s how crucial it gets, cause holding a position at CODISSIA is now becoming a sense of honour. And when you are honoured with a position you better deliver.
To be fair not every initiative at CODISSIA has had the same impact. There have been some terrific learning’s along the way. The challenges were many, adapting to smart manufacturing, economic down turn, new fiscal policy, limited credit facility, the china challenge, limited technology, limited labs for testing etc. In all of this CODISSIA needs to be applauded in initiating the discussion with the government to have a defence corridor collaboration.

Today the facility they have built, is a marvel in itself. It reflects the celebration of manufacturing. The first intec happened at the PSG grounds in 1988. Come June 6th, CODISSIA will be celebrating their Golden Jubillee year through intec 2019. This will be the 18th successful edition. Now how many association are able to fill up over 1 lakh square feet of real manufacturers space exhibits. CODISSIA seems to have managed that, year after year with over 700 exhibitors expected to take part this year alone. The only challenger in terms of size and scalability is the Auto EXPO, which happens at Pragati Maidan New Delhi. Big part of the intec success needs to go to the idea of setting up Trade Fair Complex. Intec 2019 serves as a window to show case the latest technology, transfer of know-how, increase business potential, introduction of new products to the market and more.
As we type this, we are now beginning to wonder what is the next mission for CODISSIA? What are the challenges and opportunities they need to gear up for? We thought we will list a few major ones.
- As per reports over 200 US Companies are looking to move away from China and set up base in India. Getting them to the South will not be easy
- Green Tech and Renewable Energy still struggles with limited research although the scope is wide.
- The China challenge is still there.Can we beat them with quality?
- Small countries like Bangladesh are countering us with economical labour. Divisive strategy is required here.
- It’s always refreshing to hear Coimbatore based companies get invited to other free zones world over, to set up a factory base. Is there a Free Zone or a new Industrial zone possible in the South?
- The food park’s are coming to South India, can the small manufactures provide the technology solution to run the food park.
- Migrating small manufacturers in to Smart manufacturing will still remain a key challenge.
These are stiff challenges, no doubt. But let’s not forget the milestones set by CODISSIA in the past is legendary. They have scaled every benchmark. We still believe the best is yet to come. To a legend of a association,, applauds you in your journey of celebrating manufacturing.
Dear CODISSIA, enjoy the moment. It’s your golden jubilee.
Take A Bow for the great work done.
The much awaited International Trade Fair INTEC 2019 is organized by
CODISSIA Intec Technology Centre. The Coimbatore District Small Industries Association, brings together the very best in technological advancement. INTEC is a congregation of various Industries exhibiting their finest innovations and services . You may download the detailed press release in the link below